Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil Bio A new bio for Veigar is now on the Universe: 'For most of the peoples of Runeterra, yordles are not typically something to be feared. Their fabled home of Bandle City is said to be a mysterious, spiritual place, filled with odd trinkets and keepsakes gathered from across the material realm. Veigar is such a twisted yordle. As a master of the magical black arts, as well as a corrupter of cosmic energy, he is one of the most powerful sorcerers on Valoran. As a child, Veigar was a normal yordle with one small exception – he had a deep curiosity for the world beyond Bandle City. Veigar is one such twisted yordle. As a master of the magical black arts, as well as a corrupter of cosmic energy, he is one of the most powerful sorcerers on Valoran. As a child, Veigar was a normal yordle with one small exception - he had a deep curiosity for the world beyond Bandle City. Blood Fantasy Violence Mild Suggestive Themes Use of Alcohol and Tobacco Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.
Veigar Loren
Use Event Horizon to increase your chances of landing Dark Matter.
Snagit editor full. Veigar is extremely Mana and Cooldown Reduction dependent. Try buying items with these stats in order to increase the effectiveness of your passive and Baleful Strike.
Veigar Lorex
Veigar is very fragile. It is valuable to select at least one summoner spell that can be used defensively.
Dark Matter deals very high damage, but it can be avoided. Pay attention to the sound and visual indicator to be aware of when and where the spell will land.
Event Horizon only stuns units on the edge. If you're inside the spell, you can still move and attack.
Veigar's ultimate deals increased damage based on your missing health.