How to quickly convert Word document to PowerPoint file?
Normally, when you want to create a PowerPoint presentation from a Word document, you need copy and paste the content from the Word document to PowerPoint. If there are lots of content in your Word document, this method will not be a good choice, this article, I will introduce an easy and quick way for dealing with this job.
To ensure that any updates that occur to the original PowerPoint 2007 presentation are reflected in the Office Word 2007 document, click Paste Link, and then click OK. The presentation opens as a Word document in a new window. You can edit, print, or save as with any Word document. In this case, you can extremely easily restore accidentally saved over a Word document. First, go to this file and select the File tab on the taskbar. Then click on Information - Presentation Management - Restore. This way, you can learn how to restore a Word document that was saved over. Compress pictures in your presentation. Select a picture in your document. The Picture Format tab appears. On the Picture Format tab, in the Adjust group, select Compress Pictures. Under Compression options, do either of the following. Make sure that Apply only to this picture is not selected so that the changes you make here will apply to all pictures in the document. PPTX Viewer is a freeware that you can use to Open, view Microsoft Office PowerPoint(PPTX) document. It's a quick and convenient way to view PowerPoint files on your computer. PPTX Viewer does not require Microsoft Office PowerPoint to be installed on your computer, If you need to view PowerPoint files without Microsoft PowerPoint, PPTX Viewer is your best option. When you want to create a dynamic link between the content of your document and the content in a PowerPoint presentation, insert the content as an object.Unlike when you paste content (such as by pressing Ctrl+V), when you insert it as a linked or embedded object, you can still work with the content in the original program where it was created.
Convert Word document to PowerPoint presentation quickly
Powerpoint Document Size
To create a PowerPoint Presentation from a Word document, please do with the following steps:
1. Open your Word document, format the texts which will be imported to the PowerPoint as titles to Heading 1 style, and then, format the other content to Heading 2 style which will be the slide content, see screenshot:
Powerpoint Document Recovery
2. After finishing formatting the text, then save and close the Word document.
3. Launch a new PowerPoint file, and then, click Home > New Slide > Slides from Outline, see screenshot:
4. In the displayed Insert Outline window, select the Word file that you want to import to the PowerPoint, see screenshot:
5. Then, click Insert button, and all the content in the specific Word document has been imported into the PowerPoint presentation as following screenshot shown:
Can You Share A Powerpoint Document On Fb Page
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